When I was a kid, I read science fiction (when I'd gotten over Biggles and Zane Grey).
- A solitary reader, I walked 3 miles to Sneinton Market and Central Market in Nottingham every Saturday to buy as many Sci-Fi books from the second-hand stalls as I could afford. Novels, anthologies or magazines such as Astounding... and Amazing.
- And, of course, you get your favourites - Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, Clifford D Simak, Arthur C Clarke, John Christopher, John Wyndham. Great Classic Authors every one.
- My writing subject and style must obviously have been influenced by them, and even what I call my short story collections - New-Classic Sci-Fi.
- A reviewer was super-kind recently saying my book was equal to any in the genre,. This from someone (I don't know who) who has been reading SF about as long as I have. Many thanks to this wonderful person (very discerning lol).
- And there it was - on the Amazon Bookshelf - "Of Other Times" and "Zero 9-4" were right alongside Ray Bradbury and Isaac Asimov.
- In the afternoon, the "frequently read together" list had "Of Other Times" and "Zero 9-4" next to Robert Heinlein, Robert Silverberg, Arthur C Clarke, Frederick Pohl...
- Talk about chuffed - I was in Hogs Heaven.
- So I have to say something aloud...
