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A&E 2 ICU: 30+ Tales from the Hospital Bed

A&E 2 ICU: 30+ Tales from the Hospital Bed (The Odds, Sods and Surprises Series of Short Stories (OsssOss) Book 8)


Thirty+ stories from the site of the crash to the operating theatre and recovery room; from the hospital bed on the trauma ward with all its doctors, nurses, visitors and fellow patients; from the bedside watchers and new beginnings beyond the discharge lounge.

  • If they get you out this wreck, how much of you can be saved?
  • You need the calm and peace overnight, but you weren’t counting on her.
  • After an incident that bad, some things are best not admitted.
  • We consultants have some out-the-way cases; but this one…
  • Your foul-mouthed senior surgeon has it in for you; but what can you do?
  • If a catlick is good enough for my tortoiseshell, it’s good enough for me.
  • That guy behind the curtains is gonna cough his guts up soon…
  • Is it the nurse? Is it the medication? Or is it the bed?
  • You just know this new guy is faking it, so…
  • We have so many staff off today, but you’ll hardly notice.
  • On discharge, your dear wife does everything she can to protect you.
  • Totally blinded, what’s your greatest problem in rehab?
  • Has your Earthly suffering been sufficient to get you past Peter the Pearly Gateman?
  • Come on, God: are you really so vindictive you’d kill me off like this?

… and eighteen more, penned from the bed of a man informed he has a week to live.
Well, they got that wrong, didn’t th—?

A&E 2 ICU: 30+ Tales from the Hospital Bed

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