The Odds, Sods and Surprises Series of Short Stories
With two books of non-SF short stories published to date, My thoughts are turning to the next steps.
They will probably be ready for release later this year, or early next. These are in the OsssOss Series (the Odds, Sods and Surprises Series of Short Stories)
Go You Or I. Decisions, decisions… Was to be called “Personally Speaking” and be about relationships gone wrong – or really turning out well – read the last line to see which. Now I’m veering in favour of “Go You Or I” (There but for fortune song – Joan Baez). I’m also looking for a few picture alternatives for the front cover, with rights free or paid-for. I could probably find enough from within the family, if I go back forty years or so. And they’d be free.
The Afwican Gwey Pawwot and other stories. Yes, I know… But it looks like being a gweat book. The cover pic isn’t bought and paid-for yet – but it will be. I started assembling the stories last week, and have fifteen definite maybes; and twenty or thirty others to choose from.
Looks like being a gweat addition to the series